Our Goal:

Allow those who have few means to paraglide

Reuse our equipment or recycle what no longer flies

A few words

Before “Wings for Them”, there is the “Cercle de l’Homme Volant” created by Catherine Mouligné. During 10 years, this association has received, revised and sent equipment to Cuba, Madagascar, Algeria and Marocco.

Wings for Them takes over, while keeping the same values.

Offer freedom, freedom to fly, create new activities in countries with small income, this is the target for Wings for Them.

We take donations, recycle, revise and ship paragliding equipment to countries in need.

Where the equipment donated doesn’t meet our minimum standards, we have a certain number of partners able to recycle or re-employ the equipment.
Wings for Them manages the collection, the qualification and the shipment of the equipment.
Our success is based on a network of voluntary partners and friends, who manage the complete chain.


At Ailes pour Eux, we operate solely through the network of partners and volunteers who transport, review and distribute the equipment.

Equipment is provided through donations by individuals, flying schools or revision shops.

Revisions are provided by Advance Service Center, Certika, RipAir and Wingshop.

For materials to be recycled, we have developed a network of around ten partners who use the material for social, humanitarian or sometimes commercial projects.

Transport is carried out on a voluntary basis by flying personnel, pilots who travel to donor or recipient countries, or people of goodwill offering their services.


For any donation proposal or for any equipment request, you can use the following form.

You will be contacted by one of the following:

Philippe Bensa : For any donation porposal in theRhône Alpes area
François Biton : For any other donation proposal in France and abroad
Philippe Trautmann : For any equipment request.

If  you are reaching us for something else, do not worry, we will write you back anyway 🙂

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16 rue Georges Clémenceau


[email protected] 

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