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Un entraînement à Krnovo (Montenegro)

  • Post category:News
  • Reading time:2 mins read

En 2021 et 2022, Ailes pour Eux a pu aider 17 pilotes en Serbie, au Monténegro, en Bosnie Herzegovine et en Albanie.

Certains des pilotes monténégrains se sont retrouvés pour un long week-end de pratique sur le site de Krnovo, une ferme d’éoliennes.

Ce ne sont pas moins de 5 pilotes sur les 11 présents qui volaient avec nos matériels.

Leurs progrès sont notables, et nous sommes sur le point de recevoir les premières demandes pour des ailes de catégorie supérieure !

Le témoignage de Dusan, leur instructeur est très sympa :

Finally, after a few months, my family obligations are done and now I have time for the blue sky again and I want to send you a small report.

That’s just the word about how much the association helped the pilots, here in Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina.

As I say, during the recent weekend, I managed to grab some time and responded to the invitation to go to Krnovo, a place that is used as the main training ground in the area.

There were 11 pilots, 5 of which were equipped with a donation from “Wings for Them”.

I stayed there for half a day and enjoyed the scenery. Assisted them a little.

Of the people flying on donated equipment, there were Zarko, Lazar, Radun, Helena, Vukasin

They have progressed very well.

Vukasin Petrovic stands out the most from all of them. It is a pleasure to watch him.

Also, through this scene it is nice to observe the progress of sports here, it happens especially thanks to the donations of selfless people and the work and effort of the “Wings for Them” association.

I hope to head north soon and let you know how people use the equipment and progress there as well.

Best regards


Thank you for existing.