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Des nouvelles de pas mal de pilotes dans les balkans

  • Post category:News
  • Reading time:3 mins read

De 2021 à 2023, nous avons pu aider un certain  nombre de pilotes défavorisés au Montenegro, en Croatie, au Kosovo, en  Macédoine du Nord et même en Albanie.

C’est grâce à Dusan Stevovic, un instructeur basé au Montenegro. Il nous a aidé à identifier les bénéficiaires potentiels.

Dusan est un instructeur certifié APPI ( et il a son propre club Adriafly (

N’hésitez pas à le contacter si vous avez des projets de voyage sur cette région.

Hi Philippe
I just want to say hello to you and all my friends from Ailes pour Eux.
I hope you are fine.

I also want to inform you about the situation on our eastern paragliding front.
I recently received verbal thanks for you and for me from some pilots who received the equipment.
Due  to bad weather in the north they met at a flying site here on the  coast. After flying, they had comments like “we can’t believe that they  fully equipped us for flying”.

I  have to praise and thank you that several of them joined our club  precisely because of these donations, even though they are not nearby.
If  you remember Ljubinka (Prion4), she contacted me recently as well.  Zoran, her instructor, says that it is a “dragon woman” ahahaha. They  greet you by sending pictures.
But all in all “Gin Bollero” and “P44  (Zarko instructor)” gave the most success. These are the most sharing  wings that still produce new pilots. Of course, I don’t need to mention  that all their effort and work is without profit.
I also have to tell you that some pilots such as Stefan (Mistral 6), Slaven (Rook) already have very good flights of 30+ km.
Helena  and Vukasin were in maximum progression, but now they are in some  stagnation. They are very young pilots and we take care of them. We are  waiting for spring and Krnovo (an easy place to fly).
If you remember  Darko and Rush3, I complained that he was not flying and told him to  give the equipment to someone, so when he decides to start again, we  will help him.
But now he is back in action. 🙂

I don’t follow all the pilots in their progress, but some of them report themselves.
For me, all this is a reward. I think it is for you too.
I’m sorry that I rarely write to you, people who know me know that this has always been my fault.
By the way, I haven’t flown in 120 days. That never happened.
Many greetings from me to the whole team.
